Bio-One of Akron decontamination and biohazard cleaning services

What causes someone to hoard? How do you treat a Hoarding Disorder?

What causes someone to hoard? How do you treat a Hoarding Disorder?

We sometimes refer to ourselves as Last Responders.  We're the people you call to come in and clean after an extreme event.  Yesterday we were able to see how certain situations unfold before they become an emergency.


Bio-One/Akron Hoarding helped conduct a Continuing Education Unit (CEU) for professionals who sometimes aid people in hoarding situations during the course of their work.  The training session was put together by the Summit County Ohio Hoarding Task Force.  My husband, Cuyler, was the presenter.  



Not only is Cuyler owner of Bio-One, but he is a licensed counselor for both clinical mental health and chemical dependency - his licensures permit him to host this kind of training.


The Zoom training session, Introduction to Clutter and Hoarding, was a "sold out" event. 100 people attended - not just locally, but from around the world!

So, what causes someone to hoard?  The behavior can stem from biological, psychological, and/or social components.


Biological influences:  Hoarding can be genetic and run in families.  Brain structure can be different.


Psychological contributors:  People who hoard often have trouble with problem-solving.


Social aspects:  Our consumer culture encourages buying.


People with a Hoarding Disorder have unique cognitive processes, and treatment strategies are many.  They may include increasing decision-making abilities, or perhaps improving attention, with the use of a timer.


If you're looking for help with hoarding behavior, you may contact the Hoarding Task Force County of Summit ADM Board: 

(330) 762-3500


And if you or someone you know needs help getting a home back in order, you may give us a call at Bio-One!